If We Could Turn Back Time
We discuss Project Pegasus and time travel! Ben is the moderator this week which allows Katie to join the game.
# E4: If We Could Turn Back Time
We discuss Project Pegasus and time travel! Ben is the moderator this week which allows Katie to join the game.
Want more of this episode and to find out what’s being discussed in the next episode? Become a Patron for $5.00 a month and get access to the Catan’t Stop Won’t Stop after show where we discuss the next episode and a bit more.
Get access to the after show at https://www.patreon.com/catantPod , or just buy us a coffee or two at https://ko-fi.com/catantpod
Watch the YouTube video! http://bit.ly/catantPodYT4
# Game at a glance
Winner: CJ
Longest Road: Katie
Largest Army: No one
Basic game rules can be found here!
# Topics Discussed
- Harry Potter Time-Turner https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Time-Turner
- Doctor Who episode - Let’s Kill Hitler https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwinpt3bhJnrAhWFW80KHRoTCLkQFjACegQIERAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.imdb.com%2Ftitle%2Ftt1795142%2F&usg=AOvVaw2Vj0coPefKAB4NJmddkK_-
- Mind control
We did not have a Biden/Basiago ticket, but instead we got a better ticket Biden/Harris. Go vote Nov 3rd 2020! 🇺🇸
## Time Travel
- [Conspiracy theory: Obama went to Mars as teen - Technology & science - Space | NBC News](http://www.nbcnews.com/id/45878146/ns/technology_and_science-space/t/conspiracy-theory-obama-went-mars-teen/)
- [Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency](https://www.darpa.mil)
- [Project Pegasus - Home](https://www.projectpegasus.net)
- [Jump Room to Mars: Did CIA Groom Obama & Basiago as future Presidents? » Exopolitics](https://exopolitics.org/jump-room-to-mars-did-cia-groom-obama-basiago-as-future-presidents/)
- [This Candidate for President Claims He’s Traveled Through Time](https://gizmodo.com/this-candidate-for-president-claims-hes-traveled-throug-1773928996)
- [Man Claims He Was Part Of The CIA’s Secret Time Travel Program | Studio 10 - YouTube](https://youtu.be/qpkXwPXsflA)
- [Time Travel From Gettysburg to s - YouTube](https://youtu.be/84EAXTnUXFU)
- [Andrew Basiago - Pegasus: Obama on Mars Time Travel! - YouTube](https://youtu.be/LgtBc-p2zrs)
# Find us on the Interwebs
## Podcast
- Follow us on Twitter [@CatantPod](https://bit.ly/catantPodTwitter)
- Subscribe to our YouTube [Settlers of Catan’t Even](https://bit.ly/catantPodYT)
- Get the latest scoop/support us on [Patreon](https://bit.ly/catantPodPatreon)
## Hosts
- Twitter: [@maeganwilson_](https://bit.ly/mwTwitter)
- Instagram: [@maeganwilson_](https://bit.ly/appsByMWinsta)
- YouTube: [Apps By MW](https://bit.ly/appsByMWyoutube)
- Twitter [@katie11318](https://bit.ly/katieTwitter)
- Twitter: [@bfelts91](https://bit.ly/benTwitter)
- Instagram: [@bfelts91](https://bit.ly/benInsta)
- Web: http://benjaminfelts.com
- Instagram: [@clevengercj](https://bit.ly/cjInsta)
- Twitter: [@princessjasmine14](https://bit.ly/jasmineTwitter)
- Instagram: [@_snoopjazzyjazz](https://bit.ly/jasmineInsta)
# Thanks to our Patrons!
- Synthia
★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
We discuss Project Pegasus and time travel! Ben is the moderator this week which allows Katie to join the game.
Want more of this episode and to find out what’s being discussed in the next episode? Become a Patron for $5.00 a month and get access to the Catan’t Stop Won’t Stop after show where we discuss the next episode and a bit more.
Get access to the after show at https://www.patreon.com/catantPod , or just buy us a coffee or two at https://ko-fi.com/catantpod
Watch the YouTube video! http://bit.ly/catantPodYT4
# Game at a glance
Winner: CJ
Longest Road: Katie
Largest Army: No one
Basic game rules can be found here!
# Topics Discussed
- Harry Potter Time-Turner https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Time-Turner
- Doctor Who episode - Let’s Kill Hitler https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwinpt3bhJnrAhWFW80KHRoTCLkQFjACegQIERAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.imdb.com%2Ftitle%2Ftt1795142%2F&usg=AOvVaw2Vj0coPefKAB4NJmddkK_-
- Mind control
We did not have a Biden/Basiago ticket, but instead we got a better ticket Biden/Harris. Go vote Nov 3rd 2020! 🇺🇸
## Time Travel
- [Conspiracy theory: Obama went to Mars as teen - Technology & science - Space | NBC News](http://www.nbcnews.com/id/45878146/ns/technology_and_science-space/t/conspiracy-theory-obama-went-mars-teen/)
- [Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency](https://www.darpa.mil)
- [Project Pegasus - Home](https://www.projectpegasus.net)
- [Jump Room to Mars: Did CIA Groom Obama & Basiago as future Presidents? » Exopolitics](https://exopolitics.org/jump-room-to-mars-did-cia-groom-obama-basiago-as-future-presidents/)
- [This Candidate for President Claims He’s Traveled Through Time](https://gizmodo.com/this-candidate-for-president-claims-hes-traveled-throug-1773928996)
- [Man Claims He Was Part Of The CIA’s Secret Time Travel Program | Studio 10 - YouTube](https://youtu.be/qpkXwPXsflA)
- [Time Travel From Gettysburg to s - YouTube](https://youtu.be/84EAXTnUXFU)
- [Andrew Basiago - Pegasus: Obama on Mars Time Travel! - YouTube](https://youtu.be/LgtBc-p2zrs)
# Find us on the Interwebs
## Podcast
- Follow us on Twitter [@CatantPod](https://bit.ly/catantPodTwitter)
- Subscribe to our YouTube [Settlers of Catan’t Even](https://bit.ly/catantPodYT)
- Get the latest scoop/support us on [Patreon](https://bit.ly/catantPodPatreon)
## Hosts
- Twitter: [@maeganwilson_](https://bit.ly/mwTwitter)
- Instagram: [@maeganwilson_](https://bit.ly/appsByMWinsta)
- YouTube: [Apps By MW](https://bit.ly/appsByMWyoutube)
- Twitter [@katie11318](https://bit.ly/katieTwitter)
- Twitter: [@bfelts91](https://bit.ly/benTwitter)
- Instagram: [@bfelts91](https://bit.ly/benInsta)
- Web: http://benjaminfelts.com
- Instagram: [@clevengercj](https://bit.ly/cjInsta)
- Twitter: [@princessjasmine14](https://bit.ly/jasmineTwitter)
- Instagram: [@_snoopjazzyjazz](https://bit.ly/jasmineInsta)
# Thanks to our Patrons!
- Synthia